Office Info
Carey Webb
Desjardins Insurance Agent, Trenton, ON 18 Heber St
Trenton Ontario, K8V 1M5
Carey Webb
Desjardins Insurance Agent, Trenton, ON 18 Heber St
Trenton Ontario, K8V 1M5
General and Life insurance agent since 1973
Second generation agent
Lifelong resident of Quinte Area
Annual sponsorship of local sports teams
Long time experienced licensed team members
Find out 3 good reasons to contribute to a TFSA to build retirement savings.
You are happy in your home. You feel safe there, and like most Canadians, you would like to continue to spend happy and peaceful days in it as long as possible. Given that the average life expectancy of Canadians is 87 years of age for men and 89 years of age for women, you need to carefully plan this important stage of your life, so you can enjoy it fully and peacefully.
Estate planning: two words we generally cringe at but that one day or another, you're bound to hear.
Our mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams.